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The Third Trimester: The Final Stretch and What to Expect

Third Trimester

The third trimester of pregnancy marks the home stretch as you prepare for the arrival of your new baby. This period, spanning weeks 28 to about 40, brings significant growth and changes, both physically and emotionally. It’s a time of rapid development for your baby and an equally transformative period for you. Here’s some information from Centre OB/GYN on what you can expect during these final months, from bodily changes and symptoms to essential preparations for labor and birth.


Key Changes and Symptoms in the Third Trimester

As your baby grows and your body prepares for birth, you may experience a variety of symptoms:

  • Nausea: While it often diminishes after the first trimester, nausea can persist, especially in twin pregnancies or multiples.
  • Headaches: Triggered by various factors such as stress, lack of sleep, and hormonal changes, headaches are common. Maintaining a routine can help mitigate these.
  • Diarrhea and Digestive Discomfort: Your body’s preparation for delivery can lead to digestive issues, including prelabor diarrhea.
  • Abdominal Pain and Lightning Crotch: The stretching of your round ligaments and other shifts in your body can cause discomfort and sharp pains.
  • Fatigue: The increased demands of pregnancy on your body can lead to significant tiredness.
  • Heartburn and Indigestion: As your uterus grows, it pushes against your stomach, which can cause ongoing digestive discomfort.
  • Braxton Hicks Contractions: These “practice” contractions might start to occur more frequently as your body prepares for labor.
  • Varicose Veins and Hemorrhoids: Increased blood volume and pressure from the uterus can cause these uncomfortable conditions.
  • Stretch Marks: As your skin stretches to accommodate a growing belly, stretch marks are common.
  • Backache and Sciatica: A shifting center of gravity and the hormone relaxin can cause back pain and sciatica.
  • Insomnia and Sleep Disturbances: Frequent bathroom trips, leg cramps, and general discomfort can disrupt sleep.
  • Vivid Dreams and Clumsiness: Hormonal changes can lead to more vivid dreams and a general feeling of being off-balance.
  • Changes in Bladder Control and Leaky Breasts: These are signs that your body is getting ready for birth and breastfeeding.


Monitoring Your Baby’s Growth

During the third trimester, your baby will undergo significant growth, from roughly 2 1/2 pounds and 16 inches at week 28 to between 6 and 9 pounds and 19 to 22 inches by week 40. This rapid growth, combined with less room to move, can lead to some vigorous activity in your belly. You’ll want to keep track of fetal movements and report any major changes in activity to your doctor.


Preparing for Delivery

As you approach your due date, several signs indicate that labor is near:

  • Baby Dropping: This is when the baby moves lower into your pelvis, preparing for birth.
  • Bloody Show: The discharge of mucus tinged with pink or brown blood can signal the onset of labor.
  • Pelvic Pressure and Labor Contractions: Increasing discomfort and contractions that become more frequent and intense are signs of real labor.
  • Water Breaking: This classic sign of labor might not occur until you’re at the hospital, but it’s a definitive indication that labor has begun.


Third Trimester Checklist

To ensure you’re as prepared as possible, here are some key tasks for the third trimester:

  • Keep Moving: Continue with pregnancy-safe exercises to maintain your health and possibly ease delivery.
  • Monitor Your Health: Regular checkups are crucial. These will include screening for gestational diabetes if not done earlier, checking for anemia, and group B strep testing.
  • Prepare for Birth: Take a tour of the birthing center, finalize your birth plan, choose a pediatrician, and learn about breastfeeding and infant care.
  • Pack Your Bag: Prepare your hospital bag with essentials you’ll need for delivery and your postpartum stay.


What to Avoid

Certain activities and foods should be avoided to maintain a healthy pregnancy during the third trimester:

  • Restrict Travel: Avoid traveling far from home as your due date approaches.
  • Avoid Certain Exercises and Hot Environments: Stay away from exercises that could cause discomfort or overheating.
  • Steer Clear of Unsafe Foods: Continue to avoid alcohol, raw or undercooked meats, and unpasteurized dairy products.


The third trimester is a period of excitement and anticipation as you prepare to meet your baby. While it can be physically and emotionally challenging, understanding what to expect and how to prepare can help you manage this final phase of pregnancy successfully. Stay proactive about your health and preparations, and soon, you’ll be welcoming your new little one into the world. As always, remember that the providers at Centre OB/Gyn are there for you any time, day and night for any urgent matters.


Further Reading:

Mayo Clinic: https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/pregnancy-week-by-week/in-depth/pregnancy/art-20046767

Never hesitate to contact us with questions or concerns: https://centreobgyn.com/raleigh/

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