When to Call the Doctor? (during pregnancy)
- Vaginal bleeding
- Abnormal swelling of the face, hands or feet – mild swelling is normal in the 3rd trimester, however it should not be extreme or sudden
- Visual changes: dimness, blurring, seeing spots or a difficult time focusing
- Severe or continuous headache that doesn’t get better after taking Tylenol and resting quietly
- Chest pain, pressure or tightness
- Abdominal pain – intense abdominal pain lasting more than 1 hour
- Persistent vomiting or diarrhea lasting more than 24 hours
- Fever greater than 101° F
- Painful urination
- Leaking of fluid from the vagina
- If your baby is not moving as much as usual, and you have tried to feel baby movements while resting quietly and having a cold drink.